Confessions of a Worldwide Diva

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10 Surprising Fears That Keep People from the Gym

10 Surprising Fears That Keep People from the Gym

The gym is a portal to good health, but it can also be a scary place for a newcomer. Learn how to conquer your fitness fears with these expert tips

         “I can’t do a single pushup”
  • “I don’t want to get too bulky”

  • “I don’t have time to get results”

  • “I’m going to get hurt on the treadmill”

  • “I’ll get bored”

  • “I look fat”

  • “I’m going to get an infection”

  • “I won’t be able to stick with working out”

  • “I don’t know where to start”

  • “I’m going to be sore”


      Scare Away Your Fitness Fears

      10 Surprising Fears That Keep People from the Gym //  ©
      A fear of flab might motivate many of us to go to the gym, but for some, fitness-related apprehension is a roadblock to starting a workout routine. According to a 2011 Mintel report, people who do not belong to gyms often cite “feeling out of place” as a reason for not joining. Jim White, RD, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach, VA, says gym jitters are normal, but not insurmountable. “At first [new gym-goers] are nervous, but after one month they start losing weight and building confidence it’s like they own the place,” he says.

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