Confessions of a Worldwide Diva

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How do you feel about Hybrid Fruit?

For Sale: Brand New Fruit Called A 'Papple'

The new fruit
The so-called papple looks and tastes like an apple but has the skin of a pear 

11:36am UK, Friday May 18, 2012

A fruit so new it is yet to be named, but described as a pear disguised as an apple, is to go on sale in the UK next week.

Marks and Spencer says the fruit - dubbed a "papple" - looks and tastes like an apple but has the skin and texture of a pear, and is a member of the pear family.
It is being referred to as T109 until its official name is decided, a spokeswoman said.

Some More Hybrid Fruits....

    Tangelo - A citrus fruit hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit
    Grapple - Apple that has been specially treated so that it tastes like grapes.
    Aprium - Complex crossing of a plum and an apricot.
    Orangelo - A cross between a grapefruit and an orange
    Plumcot - Another plum/apricot hybrid.
    Pineberry - A white-looking strawberry with flesh tasting of pineapple.
M&S fruit expert Shazad Rehman said: "This is one of the most exciting new varieties of fruit we have seen for several years.
"We know our customers like to try new and interesting fruit and we hope this will be something they will really enjoy."
The new fruit follows the introduction of the so-called "pineberry" to Waitrose stores in 2010.
The fruit looks like a white strawberry but has flesh tasting of pineapple.
T109 is grown in New Zealand and is a cross between European and Asian pear varieties, which resulted in a fruit similar to an apple.
Mr Rehman said: "It's got a lovely refreshing taste, perfect for snacking on, and a fun alternative to an apple a day."
M&S hopes to grow the pear in the UK from 2015. T109 will be available in M&S stores from next week priced at £1 each.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Zumbathon for Leukemia

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Zumba with Regina at this SPECIAL Event



Join me AND 2  awesome Instructors on Friday May 18th, 6:30-9:30p @ Ambient Studio Plus.

WE'RE GONNA MASH UP THE PLACE with Zumba and Zumba Sentao!
That's right--get a taste of Zumba Sentao from Atlanta's ONLY licensed Zumba Sentao Instructor, Regina Cannon. Its gonna be a party ya'll!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Local seniors set unofficial ‘Soul Train Line’ record


Still gettin' down: Local seniors set unofficial ‘Soul Train Line’ record

By Curt Yeomans (360)

Photo by Curt Yeomans
Conley resident Lurlean Stewart (center) shows off her dance moves Friday in an attempted, world-record-setting, 328-member “Soul Train” line at Clayton County International Park, in Jonesboro.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Conley resident Lurlean Stewart (center) shows off her dance moves Friday in an attempted, world-record-setting, 328-member “Soul Train” line at Clayton County International Park, in Jonesboro.
The television dance show, “Soul Train,” was must-see television for Conley resident Lurlean Stewart in the 1970s.
As a young woman, Stewart, now 61, tuned in week after week to see people her age dancing to their heart’s delight, to the latest funk, soul and dance tunes, on the nationally televised show. She watched the show’s host, Don Cornelius, introduce successful superstars, including Chaka Khan, James Brown, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, and the Jackson 5 as guest performers of the week.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Atlanta resident Eva Whiters (center) was the member of a Clayton County dance line that broke the record for the world’s largest “Soul Train” line. She was the 212th person in the dance line that ultimately set a new record of 328 dancers.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Rex resident Erma Wyatt shows off her dance number in a record-setting large “Soul Train” line Friday, at Clayton County International Park, in Jonesboro. Wyatt was the 328th, and final person in the line.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Local senior citizens, even ones in wheel chairs, danced their way down a dance line that set an unofficial record as the world’s largest “Soul Train” line, on Friday, at Clayton County International Park. Guinness World Record officials will review documents and a video tape from the attempt to decide if it is an official record.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Clayton County Commissioner Gail Hambrick (left center) and Commission Chairman Eldrin Bell (right center) lead a dance line that set an unofficial record for the world’s largest “Soul Train” line on Friday. The attempt will reviewed by Guinness World Record officials, to determine if it is an official record.
Photo by Curt Yeomans State Sen. Valencia Seay (right, D-Riverdale) gets down during a dance line that set an unofficial world record for the world’s largest “Soul Train” line, Friday at Clayton County International Park. The attempt will reviewed by Guinness World Record officials, to determine if it is an official record.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Riverdale resident Virginia Thomas (foreground), 68, boogies her way down a “Soul Train” line at Clayton County International Beach on Friday. Although it has not yet been certified by Guinness World Records officials, the participants believe they set a new world record for the largest “Soul Train” line.
Photo by Curt Yeomans Several senior citizens who participated in Clayton County’s attempt to break the world’s largest “Soul Train” line record decided to show how fly they are as they danced their way down the line Friday.
And, of course, Stewart’s favorite part of the show was watching the dancers do the “Soul Train Line,” where the youngsters formed two lines and pairs of dancers — one male and one female — got to show off their moves as they made their way between the two lines.
“You’d see all kinds of crazy outfits — really crazy outfits,” said Stewart, as she left out a robust laugh.
Hundreds of local senior citizens, including Stewart, shook their groove things in Jonesboro Friday in an attempt to do what the late Cornelius himself might have called the “hippest trip” in Clayton County’s history. The elderly citizens set out to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest “Soul Train “ line ever — and they may have succeeded.

Although it still has to be certified by Guinness officials, 328 senior citizens, local elected officials and employees of Clayton County’s Senior Services Department participated in a “Soul Train” line during the senior services department’s annual Mayfest celebration at Clayton County International Beach. That is way higher than the exiting record of 211 people set last year at a school in California.

“Give yourselves a hand, everybody, because you just set a new world record,” an announcer proclaimed as the final member of the train made her way down the line. “We’re going to send a picture of you all to ‘Jet’ magazine, for their ‘Photo of the Week’ feature.”
Although the 2012 theme of “National Older Americans Month” — which is this month — is “Never Too Old to Play,” the theme locally might have been aptly stated as “Never Too Old To Get Down.” Elderly residents, some of whom were in wheel chairs, danced their way down the line to a plethora of 1970’s dance tunes, such as “Got To Give It Up,” by Marvin Gaye.
“We have a lot of events at the facilities, but no matter what event we have, they [the seniors] always form a ‘Soul Train’ line,” said Clayton County Senior Services Director Mary Byrd, as she explained the reasoning behind the record-breaking attempt. “We just realized the lines are longer, and longer. They just love ‘Soul Train’ ... so we just decided ‘Let’s make this thing official.’ ”
The record was actually broken when Atlanta resident Eva Whiters, 64, sashayed her way down the line. As she got to the end of the line, she held up one finger on both of her hands and waved them in the air. Afterward, she said she was ecstatic to be a part of the attempt to set a new world record.

“It feels wonderful, fantastic [to be the record-setting dancer],” a jubilant Whiters proclaimed just as she finished her dance. “I’m just elated ... That was my hobby [in the 1970’s] — dancing. Dancing was my love, and I was so happy to be a part of this.”
The potential record setting dancer, however, was Rex resident Erma Wyatt, 58, who was mobbed by photographers eager to take her picture as she got to the end of the line. “It feels really good [to set a new record],” she said. “I’ll never forget this. I’ve been a fan of ‘Soul Train’ since I was a little girl. I never thought I’d be in a ‘Soul Train’ line, though.”
The attempt to set a new world record brought out several elected officials from across the county. Clayton County Commission Chairman Eldrin Bell, and Commissioner Gail Hambrick, danced side-by-side at the start of the line. Occasionally they gave high-fives to people lined up on either side of them as they shuffled down the line.

They were followed by State Reps. Sandra Scott (D-Rex) and Darryl Jordan (D-Riverdale), and State Sen. Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale), who got down to the beat of the music a little bit more than her fellow elected officials. Clayton County Board of Education member Jessie Goree also participated in the line.
“Congratulations Clayton County, you did it,” an enthusiastic Bell yelled as he addressed an ecstatic group of seniors after the dancing ended.
Now that the dancing is over, Byrd said the arduous process of filling out required paperwork for Guinness officials begins. County officials had a professional counter present for the attempt to count, and certify the number of people who participated in the “Soul Train” line.
She added that county public safety officials, who acted as stewards for the attempt, will have to fill out and submit paperwork and a video recording of the attempt to Guinness. If it is confirmed as a new record, she explained, Guinness officials would travel to the county to make the formal proclamation.
“We’re not sure [how long the certification process could take],” Byrd said. “It could be six, to eight weeks to complete the process from here.”
And as the seniors got in their cars and left the park at the end of the celebration, they did so with a little bit of love, a little bit of peace, and a whole lot of sooouuuul.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

America's 1st general population Sentao training -MY EXPERIENCE!!


I've been waiting for this Zumba Sentao format ever since it was hinted on during the early part of 2011.. perhaps as early as 2010. Having all Zumba specialty licenses prior to this NEWEST FORMAT, was a challenging feat in itself.  My sister (also a Zumba Instructor licensed in all formats available) and I actually became weary of waiting for this mystery new ZUMBA form to be released to us regular instructors. So life went on and on and on......My sister and I got busy, and busy and between requests for classes and more classes and both working demanding full time jobs.

SAY WHAT???? When we  found out that Instructors were going to get licensed in Sentao during the London Convention, I have to admit, I was jealous, jealOUS, JEALous!! I was thinking---how is this happening? When will it be OUR TIME here in America? And still we waited. By the time it was announced that Crunch members would be exposed and licensed in Sentao 1st in the USA--I didnt really care about this format anymore. My enthusiasm had been destroyed by what seemed to be an eternity of waiting.

Suddenly, my sister called me and found IT on line ---that registration for Zumba Sentao with a licensing date of April 21st IN MIAMI!! This was to be the first Sentao licensing in AMERICA opened up for the general population(i.e. us regular ZUMBA instructors).  My sister signed up and so did I. Now I am glad I did!!

I didn't know what to expect --I hadn't even pre-viewed the few videos clips that appeared on line about Sentao..I went to Miami for Sentao not really knowing what to expect.

April 21st --EARLY AM...RAINY...My sister and I drove from her place to reach our training location, a small studio positioned very close to Calle Ocho in downtown Miami. There was NO Parking, so we took our chances by leaving the cars around a street corner and next to an apartment complex close by.

 ENTERING THE STUDIO---That sea of brightly colored apparel, hats, and shoes told my sister and I that we were in the right place-That we were amongst ZUMBA FAMILY!!.  All the instructors attending  America's 1st general population Sentao training were amazing--Coming from all over the USA. We were a photo taking bunch--stylin' and profilin' for ANYONE'S camera.  Zumba Instructor and 'Legal Beagle' Diane Felkenes was in the house, as she is now working for ZUMBA FITNESS in its Legal department, as well as DJ Francis and many other nationally recognized Zumba talent!!

 Zumba Educational Specialist Marcia Gill is amazing, fun and talented!! We started training 1st by discussing the safety aspects of Sentao (chair use, chair type, positioning etc) before starting the MASTER SENTAO CLASS. (Marcia strongly advised that Instructors use  a wireless mike for Sentao). The Master Class was a blast AFTER I FINALLY decided  to move AROUND the chair, to stop moving the chair back and forth, to stop bumping into the chair and into other licensees AND TO QUIT FREAKING OUT ABOUT MY LACK OF PERSONAL SPACE (there were a lot of people and chairs in this training).

Men? There were several MALE Zumba Instructors in the house and this brought that special energy to the training that only men can bring... PURE POWER!!!  I need to give a special shout out to homeboy 'MIAMI ZUMBA'--who took the time to show me where to RE-park during a break, so I wouldn't get my car towed!!

After getting licensed in Zumba's latest format I know now that SENTAO (which means 'sitting' or to sit ) IS AWESOME!!
It's not  the more subtle chair workout appropriately created for our precious senior population. Nor is it drop-it-like-its-hot exotic chair dance coming straight out of a  Hotlanta BOOTY club.

In my opinion, I feel that Zumba students will get a lot more out of this format than any other Zumba format thus far, because Sentao incorporates in basic aspects of resistance training  and stretching using ones own body weight....Pushups, leg lifts, core work,dips, squats, bicep curls, etc.  UTILIZING THE CHAIR IN ADDITION TO adding  in that Zumba format dance to keeps the party going...Its an aerobic and anaerobic fitness JAM...