Confessions of a Worldwide Diva

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

America's 1st general population Sentao training -MY EXPERIENCE!!


I've been waiting for this Zumba Sentao format ever since it was hinted on during the early part of 2011.. perhaps as early as 2010. Having all Zumba specialty licenses prior to this NEWEST FORMAT, was a challenging feat in itself.  My sister (also a Zumba Instructor licensed in all formats available) and I actually became weary of waiting for this mystery new ZUMBA form to be released to us regular instructors. So life went on and on and on......My sister and I got busy, and busy and between requests for classes and more classes and both working demanding full time jobs.

SAY WHAT???? When we  found out that Instructors were going to get licensed in Sentao during the London Convention, I have to admit, I was jealous, jealOUS, JEALous!! I was thinking---how is this happening? When will it be OUR TIME here in America? And still we waited. By the time it was announced that Crunch members would be exposed and licensed in Sentao 1st in the USA--I didnt really care about this format anymore. My enthusiasm had been destroyed by what seemed to be an eternity of waiting.

Suddenly, my sister called me and found IT on line ---that registration for Zumba Sentao with a licensing date of April 21st IN MIAMI!! This was to be the first Sentao licensing in AMERICA opened up for the general population(i.e. us regular ZUMBA instructors).  My sister signed up and so did I. Now I am glad I did!!

I didn't know what to expect --I hadn't even pre-viewed the few videos clips that appeared on line about Sentao..I went to Miami for Sentao not really knowing what to expect.

April 21st --EARLY AM...RAINY...My sister and I drove from her place to reach our training location, a small studio positioned very close to Calle Ocho in downtown Miami. There was NO Parking, so we took our chances by leaving the cars around a street corner and next to an apartment complex close by.

 ENTERING THE STUDIO---That sea of brightly colored apparel, hats, and shoes told my sister and I that we were in the right place-That we were amongst ZUMBA FAMILY!!.  All the instructors attending  America's 1st general population Sentao training were amazing--Coming from all over the USA. We were a photo taking bunch--stylin' and profilin' for ANYONE'S camera.  Zumba Instructor and 'Legal Beagle' Diane Felkenes was in the house, as she is now working for ZUMBA FITNESS in its Legal department, as well as DJ Francis and many other nationally recognized Zumba talent!!

 Zumba Educational Specialist Marcia Gill is amazing, fun and talented!! We started training 1st by discussing the safety aspects of Sentao (chair use, chair type, positioning etc) before starting the MASTER SENTAO CLASS. (Marcia strongly advised that Instructors use  a wireless mike for Sentao). The Master Class was a blast AFTER I FINALLY decided  to move AROUND the chair, to stop moving the chair back and forth, to stop bumping into the chair and into other licensees AND TO QUIT FREAKING OUT ABOUT MY LACK OF PERSONAL SPACE (there were a lot of people and chairs in this training).

Men? There were several MALE Zumba Instructors in the house and this brought that special energy to the training that only men can bring... PURE POWER!!!  I need to give a special shout out to homeboy 'MIAMI ZUMBA'--who took the time to show me where to RE-park during a break, so I wouldn't get my car towed!!

After getting licensed in Zumba's latest format I know now that SENTAO (which means 'sitting' or to sit ) IS AWESOME!!
It's not  the more subtle chair workout appropriately created for our precious senior population. Nor is it drop-it-like-its-hot exotic chair dance coming straight out of a  Hotlanta BOOTY club.

In my opinion, I feel that Zumba students will get a lot more out of this format than any other Zumba format thus far, because Sentao incorporates in basic aspects of resistance training  and stretching using ones own body weight....Pushups, leg lifts, core work,dips, squats, bicep curls, etc.  UTILIZING THE CHAIR IN ADDITION TO adding  in that Zumba format dance to keeps the party going...Its an aerobic and anaerobic fitness JAM...


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