Another Zumba Fitness Instructor posted this on her page --I just had to share it on my BLOG!!

Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter
Richard Powers
For centuries, dance manuals and other writings have lauded the health
benefits of dancing, usually as physical exercise.
More recently we've seen research on further health benefits of dancing,
such as stress reduction and increased serotonin level, with
its sense of well-being.
Then most recently we've heard of another benefit: Frequent dancing
apparently makes us smarter. A major study added to
the growing evidence that stimulating one's mind can ward off
Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, much as physical exercise can
keep the body fit. Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages.
You may have heard about the New England Journal of Medicine
report on the effects of recreational activities on mental acuity in aging. Here it is in a nutshell.
The 21-year study of senior citizens, 75 and older, was led by the
Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the
National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of
Medicine. Their method for objectively measuring mental
acuity in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer's
The study wanted to see if any physical or cognitive recreational
activities influenced mental acuity. They discovered that some
activities had a significant beneficial effect. Other activities had
They studied cognitive activities such as reading books, writing for
pleasure, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards and playing musical
instruments. And they studied physical activities like playing tennis
or golf, swimming, bicycling, dancing, walking for exercise
and doing housework.
One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical
activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia. There
can be cardiovascular benefits of course, but the focus of this study
was the mind. There was one important exception: the
only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent
Reading - 35% reduced risk of dementia
Bicycling and swimming - 0%
Doing crossword puzzles at least four days a week - 47%
Playing golf - 0%
Dancing frequently - 76%.
That was the greatest risk reduction of any activity studied, cognitive or physical.
Quoting Dr. Joseph Coyle, a Harvard Medical School psychiatrist who wrote an accompanying commentary:
"The cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which are critical to these
activities, are remarkably plastic, and they rewire themselves based
upon their use."
And from from the study itself, Dr. Katzman proposed these persons are
more resistant to the effects of dementia as a result of having
greater cognitive reserve and increased complexity of neuronal
synapses. Like education, participation in some leisure activities
lowers the risk of dementia by improving cognitive reserve.
Our brain constantly rewires its neural pathways, as needed. If it doesn't need to, then it won't.
Aging and memory
When brain cells die and synapses weaken with aging, our nouns go first,
like names of people, because there's only one neural pathway
connecting to that stored information. If the single neural connection
to that name fades, we lose access to it. So as we
age, we learn to parallel process, to come up with synonyms to go around
these roadblocks. (Or maybe we don't learn to do this,
and just become a dimmer bulb.)
The key here is Dr. Katzman's emphasis on the complexity of our neuronal
synapses. More is better. Do whatever you can
to create new neural paths. The opposite of this is taking the same
old well-worn path over and over again, with habitual patterns
of thinking and living our lives.
When I was studying the creative process as a grad student at Stanford, I came across the perfect analogy to this:
The more stepping stones there are across the creek,
the easier it is to cross in your own style.
The focus of that aphorism was creative thinking, to find as many
alternative paths as possible to a creative solution. But as
we age, parallel processing becomes more critical. Now it's no longer a
matter of style, it's a matter of survival — getting
across the creek at all.
Randomly dying brain cells are like stepping stones being removed one by
one. Those who had only one well-worn path of stones
are completely blocked when some are removed. But those who spent
their lives trying different mental routes each time, creating
a myriad of possible paths, still have several paths left.
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine study shows that we need to keep
as many of those paths active as we can, while also generating new
to maintain the complexity of our neuronal synapses.
Why dancing?
We immediately ask two questions:
Why is dancing better than other activities for improving mental capabilities?
Does this mean all kinds of dancing, or is one kind of dancing better than another?
That's where this particular study falls short. It doesn't answer
these questions as a stand-alone study. Fortunately,
it isn't a stand-alone study. It's one of many studies, over decades,
which have shown that we increase our mental capacity by
exercising our cognitive processes. Intelligence: Use it or lose it.
And it's the other studies which fill in the gaps
in this one. Looking at all of these studies together lets us
understand the bigger picture.
Some of this is discussed here (the page you may have just came from) which looks at intelligence in dancing.
The essence of intelligence is making decisions. And the concluding advice, when it comes to improving your mental
acuity, is to involve yourself in activities which require split-second rapid-fire decision making, as opposed to rote memory (retracing
the same well-worn paths), or just working on your physical style.
One way to do that is to learn something new. Not just dancing, but
anything new. Don't worry about the probability that
you'll never use it in the future. Take a class to challenge your
mind. It will stimulate the connectivity of your brain
by generating the need for new pathways. Difficult and even
frustrating classes are better for you, as they will create a greater
need for new neural pathways.
Then take a dance class, which can be even better. Dancing integrates
several brain functions at once, increasing your connectivity.
Dancing simultaneously involves kinesthetic, rational, musical and
emotional processes.
What kind of dancing?
Let's go back to the study:
Bicycling, swimming or playing golf - 0% reduced risk of dementia
But doesn't golf require rapid-fire decision-making? No, not if you're
a long-time player. You made most of the decisions when
you first started playing, years ago. Now the game is mostly refining
your technique. It can be good physical exercise, but
the study showed it led to no improvement in mental acuity.
Therefore do the kinds of dance where you must make as many split-second
decisions as possible. That's key to maintaining true intelligence.
Does any kind of dancing lead to increased mental acuity? No, not all
forms of dancing will produce this benefit. Not dancing
which, like golf or swimming, mostly works on style or retracing the
same memorized paths. The key is the decision-making. Remember
(from this page),
Jean Piaget suggested that intelligence is what we use when we don't already know what to do.
We wish that 25 years ago the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
thought of doing side-by-side comparisons of different kinds of dancing,
find out which was better. But we can figure it out by looking at who
they studied: senior citizens 75 and older, beginning in
1980. Those who danced in that particular population were former
Roaring Twenties dancers (back in 1980) and then former Swing Era
dancers (today),
so the kind of dancing most of them continued to do in retirement was
what they began when they were young: freestyle social dancing -- basic
foxtrot, swing, waltz and maybe some Latin.
I've been watching senior citizens dance all of my life, from my parents
(who met at a Tommy Dorsey dance), to retirement communities, to the
Roseland Ballroom in New York.
I almost never see memorized sequences or patterns on the dance floor.
I mostly see easygoing, fairly simple social dancing — freestyle lead
and follow.
But freestyle social dancing isn't that simple! It requires a lot of
split-second decision-making, in both the lead and follow roles.
I need to digress here:
I want to point out that I'm not demonizing memorized sequence dancing
or style-focused pattern-based ballroom dancing. I sometimes enjoy
sequence dances myself, and there are stress-reduction benefits of any
kind of dancing, cardiovascular
benefits of physical exercise, and even further benefits of feeling
connected to a community of dancers. So all dancing is good.
But when it comes to preserving mental acuity, then some forms are
significantly better than others. When we talk of intelligence (use it
lose it) then the more decision-making we can bring into our dancing,
the better.
Who benefits more, women or men?
In social dancing, the follow role automatically gains a benefit, by
making hundreds of split-second decisions as to what to do next. As I
on this page, women don't "follow", they interpret
the signals their partners are giving them, and this requires
intelligence and decision-making, which is active, not passive.
This benefit is greatly enhanced by dancing with different partners, not
always with the same fellow. With different dance partners, you have
to adjust
much more and be aware of more variables. This is great for staying
smarter longer.
But men, you can also match her degree of decision-making if
you choose to do so. (1) Really notice your partner and
what works best for her. Notice what is comfortable for her, where she
is already going, which moves are successful with her and what
aren't, and constantly adapt your dancing to these observations. That's
rapid-fire split-second decision making. (2) Don't lead
the same old patterns the same way each time. Challenge yourself to
try new things. Make more decisions more often.
Intelligence: use it or lose it.
And men, the huge side-benefit is that your partners will have much more fun dancing with you when you are attentive to their dancing and
constantly adjusting for their comfort and continuity of motion.
Dance often
Finally, remember that this study made another suggestion: do it often.
Seniors who did crossword puzzles four days a week
had a measurably lower risk of dementia than those who did the puzzles
once a week. If you can't take classes or go out dancing four
times a week, then dance as much as you can. More is better.
And do it now, the sooner the better. It's essential to start building
your cognitive reserve now. Some day you'll need as many
of those stepping stones across the creek as possible. Don't wait —
start building them now.