Confessions of a Worldwide Diva

Friday, November 25, 2011

Nandos Advert starring Mugabe recalling fun with his DEAD Dictator 'buddy'

FAST food chain Nando's is beating its own drum(sticks) with a controversial ad — showing Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe frolicking with dead dictators.

The commercial, advertising the group's Meal for 6, shows a lookalike sadly laying out place cards around an empty dining table.
He then has flashbacks to "happier" times as Mary Hopkin's Those Were The Days begins to play.

"Mugabe" remembers recently killed Colonel Gaddafi sneaking up on him in a park and having a water fight.

Video: Nando's ad stars famous dictators

SOUTH African TV as stars Mugabe remembering dead despot 'pals' Quantcast

The next scene sees him and a fake Saddam Hussein — the executed former Iraqi despot — lying in the desert and making sand angels while wearing shorts with their military garb.
Another shot shows the fake Zimbabwean president pushing feared South African apartheid premier P W Botha on a swing as the pair laugh.
And in the final scene he and a double for ex-Ugandan president Idi Amin stand pressed together on the back of a tank with their arms outstretched, re-enacting a famous scene from Hollywood hit Titanic.
The advert for the Peri-Peri chicken company from South Africa is being aired on TV in its country.

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