Confessions of a Worldwide Diva

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Fitness Tips

From Diets in
by Mathue Johnson, Personal Trainer
  •  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year due to the splendid family time and the non-stop football on TV; although it is definitely all too easy to pack on the weight during the lazy times of the holidays.
Finding ways to eat less and stay active are few and far between, but a must during this time of year. Below are a few fitness tips and a high intensity workout that you can take advantage of during the Thanksgiving season.
Top Thanksgiving Fitness Tips
  1. Take a trip: Plan Thanksgiving somewhere where the entire family can be active (Ski resort).
  2. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is a must and a great way to give your mind and stomach a “full” sensation.
  3. Eat less, but more often: Eat several smaller meals (smaller portion sizes) throughout the day; this will help keep the metabolism fired up.
  4. Stay active: Go for a walk or bike ride, or plan family activities that engage the family and the heart rate like golf, flag football, tennis, or even a Wii Fit competition.
  5. Stay away from the sweets: Excess sugar gets stored as glycogen and excess glycogen is stored as fat in the body

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